Virtual Self-Employment Conference 2024:
Diverse Abilities, Infinite Ventures
Archive (Original Dates: September 18 & 19, 2024)
Watch the archived conference and learn about innovative practices happening across the country that are facilitating access to self-employment for people with disabilities. Hear from rehabilitation professionals and VR customers about their experiences and the importance of supporting self-employment. Dive into empowering discussions and learn strategies to foster self-employment, business ownership, and telecommuting for individuals with disabilities.
This conference is designed for vocational rehabilitation counselors, administrators, and employment staff by the The National Center on Self-Employment, Business Ownership, and Telecommuting.
Agenda at a Glance
Day 1: September 18th
Beth Keeton, Project Director, National Center on Self-Employment, Business Ownership, and Telecommuting
Dante Allen, Commissioner, Rehabilitation Services Administration
Using the VRC Self-Employment Proficiency Scale
Dr. Tim Riesen, Utah State University
Molly Sullivan, Griffin-Hammis Associates
Building the Agency's Self-Employment Services
Jamie Blondin, HireAbility Vermont
Hibbard Doe, HireAbility Vermont
Julie Taylor, Griffin-Hammis Associates
Success Story
Ismael De Luna,
Healing Cuts SF
Marilyn Ridgeway, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, CA Department of Rehabilitation
Day 2: September 19th
Building the Agency's Supported Self-Employment Services
Doug Crandall, Center for Leadership Development,
University of Georgia
Sharon DeMille, DD Collaboration Coordinator, Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation
Christine Gudgin, Georgia Department of Behavioral
Health and Developmental Disabilities
Creating Self-Employment Tools for VRCs
Pennie Hartley, Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation
Families as Advocates
Jennifer Steffy
Joe Steffy
Shawn Rosier
Sonia Clark-Rosier
Success Story
Renee Metro,
Fulcrum Stained Glass
Sue Babin, Project Director, RI Developmental Disabilities Council (RIDDC) Watch this video