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Center on Self-Employment

Dec 2024

National Center on Self-Employment, Business Ownership, and Telecommuting

NEW! Journal Article

Self-Employment proficiency scale for vocational rehabilitation counselors: A validation studySelf-Employment proficiency scale for vocational rehabilitation counselors: A validation study

Vocational rehabilitation (VR) programs aim to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve employment, economic self-sufficiency, independence, and inclusion. While self-employment is recognized as a viable pathway to achieve these goals, it remains underutilized. One way to increase the use of self-employment is to train professionals and measure specific proficiencies related to substantive service delivery. This study addresses the lack of research on vocational rehabilitation counselor (VRC) practices in self-employment implementation and is the first step to validating a VRC Self-Employment Proficiency Scale. Free Access to this Article

Announcing New Courses

Two people meeting at a deskBusiness Feasibility Training Series

Time: 1 hour per module (average)

CRCs: Up to 3 CRCs

Cost: Free of charge

Business feasibility is a critical step on the path to self-employment. The 3 modules in this series explain how you can support a VR customer in completing the business feasibility process. Module 1 will show how you and the VR customer can use business feasibility to determine if the business concept goal is a good fit for them. Module 2 will show you how you and the VR customer can use business feasibility to determine if the business concept is likely to succeed. Module 3 pulls it together by walking you through a business feasibility case study. Counselors are encouraged to complete all the modules but have the option to complete the one they need the most. More Information & Registration

Business Woman at a laptop.Self-Employment – Deeper Dive
Training Series

Time: 1 hour per module (average)

CRCs: Up to 3 CRCs

Cost: Free of charge

These 3 modules provide vocational rehabilitation counselors with information about topics that often come up when supporting a VR customer with self-employment. Topics currently covered in the series include the basics of business structures, the effect of self-employment on Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and the effect of self-employment on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Counselors are encouraged to complete all the modules but have the option to complete the one they need the most. More Information & Registration

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National Center on Self-Employment, Business Ownership, and Telecommuting
4514 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd | Suite 412 | Atlanta, GA 30338
Center on Self-Employment is funded by U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration (Grant#H263E200005).