Faith Hockenberry
Faith’s journey in business is supported by a strong network of family, friends, and mentors, providing her with the resources she needs to succeed. A long-time dreamer of becoming a fashion designer, she has launched her own venture, Faith's Fasion Designs. Driven by her passion for drawing, Faith is committed to creating inspirational designs that resonate with others.
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Sonya Field
Sonya's self-employment journey emphasizes the critical role of Vocational Rehabilitation and how personalized guidance can turn aspirations into reality. Sonya’s story showcases the empowerment gained from overcoming traditional work barriers, enabling her to pursue her passion.
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Ismael De Luna
Ismael’s journey into self-employment highlights entrepreneurship as a pathway to pursue personal passions and fulfillment. Through his collaboration with the Department of Rehabilitation, he has fostered personal growth while making valuable contributions to the community.
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Glenneisha Dawkins
Fifteen years ago Glenneisha was a high school basketball star. Her skill and promise had earned her an athletic scholarship to Florida A&M University. She dreamed of playing basketball overseas after graduation. In 2010, her freshman year, driving home from university, a collision catapulted Glenneisha twenty-five feet from her vehicle. She woke up in the hospital unable to use her arms and legs. Adjusting to life as a quadriplegic is a challenge no one expects. Read how Glenneisha met that challenge and discovered her purpose as an artist. Read the Full Story Below:

Joe Steffy
Poppin Joe's Gourmet Kettle Korn - In 2000, Ray Steffy, Joe's father, was searching for meaningful and productive work for his son Joe, then a recent high school graduate with Down Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder. At a farmers market Ray observed a kettle corn operation. He noted aspects of the process he knew Joe could do. Ray reflected on fond memories of watching TV with his family while sharing a bowl of freshly popped corn, picked from their garden in Iowa. This could be a perfect fit! Read the Full Story Below:

Daman Wandke
Daman Wandke - Learn more about Wandke's self-employment journey, Daman Wandke, born with Cerebral Palsy, knows many of these barriers firsthand. Fortunately, Daman is intelligent, empathic, and determined. This confluence of circumstance and character inspired his mission to broaden inclusivity. Daman launched a Yelp-like review platform called AbiliTrek to address this information gap in 2016.AbiliTrek fostered a safe and enjoyable travel experience for people with disabilities.First, users created a comprehensive user profile based on their unique accessibility needs and then generated possible matches from current data. Second, matches are generated from current data. Third, users and caregivers reviewed their travel destinations, such as hotels and restaurants, to build the database.

Paul Clark
Paul Clark, Clark Saddlery - Learn more about Paul's self-employment journey, overcoming homelessness and other obstacles, and how Vocational Rehabilitation Services provided the tools for Paul to become the owner and operator of Clark Saddlery in Buffalo, Wyoming.
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Hub Whitt
Hub Whitt, Knife Maker - Learn more about Hub's self-employment journey as a knife maker, starting his own business in 2020 and utilizing Vocational Rehabilitation Services through the process.
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Sherry Wynn

Seven years ago, Sherry Wynn’s life was on a downward trajectory. Chronic pain from a back injury impaired her ability to work a job that had become physically taxing—debt mounted from missed work and medical bills. Eviction loomed. Depressed, hopeless, and experiencing PTSD, a concerned friend described Sherry as “at the end of her rope.”
Sometimes, though, when we least expect it, we meet someone who pulls us up. Enters Linda, the Florida VR counselor assigned to help Sherry find alternative employment. As Linda guided Sherry through an extensive discussion about her skills, interests, and work history, a consistent theme emerged: organization. Linda believed that Sherry’s particular passion and skill for organizing could be developed into a business. This would give Sherry greater flexibility to both work and manage her medical concerns. (View PDF for the Rest of the Story)
Don Whittecar
Don Whittecar Copperplate Engraving - Learn more about Don's self-employment journey as one of only eight wildlife art engravers currently practicing worldwide and how Vocational Rehabilitation Services assisted him in the process of becoming an internationally recognized wildlife photographer and artist.
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Blaine's on Your Main Success Story - Learn more about Blaine's self-employment journey as the owner and operator of Blaine's on Your Main food truck and how Vocational Rehabilitation Services assisted him in the process of becoming "One Man, One Meal, One Mission."
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Straw Hat Farms
Straw Hat Farms Success Story - Marissa is the owner and sole proprietor of Straw Hat Farms in Pleasantville, Iowa. Marissa's at home project of growing plants from seeds and plugs, is now a thriving greenhouse operation. She sells flowers, vegetables, and hanging flower baskets to a client-base she has established over the last four years and is a vendor at area farmer's markets and the Pleasantville High School Spring Plant Sale.
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Edgy Meg's
Edgy Meg's Success Story - Learn more about Meg's journey to supported self-employment and her experience as a business owner and how Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services supported Meg and her family in the process.
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