Archived Webcast Information

Lucy Miller
Understanding Plans to Achieve Self-Support (PASS)
This presentation will provide an overview of Social Security's Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS) work incentive. The discussion will include a review of how PASS can help pay for items or services disability beneficiaries may need to achieve their employment goals and describe the individuals most likely to benefit from a PASS. Practical tips will be provided to help guide the development of a successful PASS, and several common myths about PASS will be dispelled. The presenter will also share several resources with more in-depth information about PASS and provide information on where Social Security disability beneficiaries can get assistance with this complex work incentive.
Meet the Presenter:
In 2000, Lucy was hired as one of the original technical assistance liaisons with the SSA funded training center for the national Benefits Planning, Assistance and Outreach (BPAO) initiative and has continued to be a leader in this role through Social Security’s conversion to the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) program to the present time.
As a Technical Assistance Liaison with VCU’s WIPA National Training Center, Lucy has distinguished herself by developing an extensive library of user-friendly written material about SSA disability benefits and work incentives. Lucy was the principal author and editor of the current national WIPA training manual and developed more than 50 fact sheets and briefing papers currently posted on the WIPA NTC website. As a trainer, Lucy has utilized many distance learning techniques including classroom based sessions, teleconference training, live satellite broadcasts, webcasts, internet courses, and real-time interactive internet based training.